St. Margaret’s honored its Upper School seniors and juniors and their pursuit of excellence in academics, community and athletics in virtual award ceremonies for each class.
The Upper School faculty awarded academic prizes from distinguished colleges and universities to nine juniors, academic department awards of distinction and special senior awards that were presented to students in the Class of 2021 by faculty who presented personal remarks about each student.
The complete list of honorees is as follows:
Senior Awards
The Founder’s Award – Recipient: Evan Lee. Awarded to the senior who has maintained the highest grade point average in the class. Presented by Assistant Head of School for Strategic Initiatives Ryan Dahlem.
Salutatorian Award – Recipient: Saurabh Mallela. Awarded to the senior who has maintained the second highest grade point average in the class. Presented by Director of College Counseling Roland Allen.
The Father Ernest D. SIllers Award – Recipient: Logan Wojcik. Awarded to the senior who has set an example of overall achievement, combining an excellent academic record with exemplary service to the school, citizenship and leadership. Presented by Upper School Director of Community Life Lora Allison.
The Board of Trustees’ Award – Recipient: Bryce Chan. Awarded to the senior who has grown the most both as a person and as a student, and has taken advantage of the many opportunities for involvement. Presented by Upper School English teacher Jamie Bunch.
St. Margaret’s Award – Recipient: Sarah Pence. Awarded to the senior whose academic work is distinguished by the love of scholarship and who, by example, has contributed most to the academic morale of the school. Presented by Upper School science teacher Eric Trumbauer.
PTF Service Award – Recipient: Ulises Ramirez Ruiz. Awarded to the senior whose leadership emobides the spirit of selflessness through commitment and involvement. Presented by Upper School English teacher Dallas Clemmons.
Faculty Achievement Award – Recipient: Italivi Diaz. Awarded to the senior who has maintained high academic standards through an exceptional combination of achievement, resilience and perseverance. Presented by Math Department Chair Elizabeth O’Shea.
Faculty Plate – Recipient: Jackson Adelman. Awarded to the senior who has made the most of his or her St. Margaret’s experience and who clearly manifests the Latin inscription on the award plate, suo Marte or “by one’s own prowess,” in his or her years of endeavor in the St. Margaret’s community. Presented by Upper School science teacher Andrea Chou.
Principal’s Cup – Recipient: Kaelyn Dunnell. Awarded to the senior who has grown to exemplify the ideals of Honor, Diligence and Decency. The senior has questioned the application and meaning of these ideals in his or her involvement at St. Margaret’s as a student and as a leader, and has made this school a better place by living life courageously, consistently and compassionately. Presented by Upper School Principal Jeneen Graham.
Academic Departmental Honors
A Departmental Book is awarded to seniors who have achieved excellence in an academic discipline.
Latin, presented by Alexandra Jennings: Camden Windes
Chinese, presented by Esther Hsu: Seychelle Balog
Spanish, presented by Bryan Sullivan: Sarah Pence
Computer Science, presented by Angela Mackenzie: Espen Garner
History and Social Science, presented by James Harris: Benjamin Simpson
English, presented by Blake Reemstma: Madeleine Arundale
Math, presented by Elizabeth O’Shea: Evan Lee
Science, presented by Edmund Herlihy: James Kim
Performing Arts, presented by Dan Pacheco: Tatiana Cloobeck
Visual Arts, presented by Jesse Standlea: Ryan Krall
Junior College Book Awards Presented by Director of College Counseling Roland Allen
The Harvard Book Prize – Recipient: Trey Kingsley. Awarded to an outstanding junior who exhibits superior academic, personal and extracurricular achievements.
The University of Pennsylvania Book – Recipient: Preston Brinker. Awarded to a high school junior who best exemplifies the qualities and characteristics of Benjamin Franklin—a scholar, innovator and server of the community.
The Princeton Book – Recipient: Skyla Cui. Awarded to an outstanding junior who exhibits intellectual promise and academic excellence; exemplary service or extracurricular activities; and outstanding personal character.
The Saint Lawrence University Book – Recipient: Charles Whiting. Awarded to a junior who, like the St. Lawrence University community, values a commitment to the service of others.
The Smith College Book – Recipient: Parisa Khashayar. Awarded to an outstanding junior female who exemplifies academic achievement, leadership qualities, and concern for others.
The Wellesley Book Award – Recipient: Emma Bernstein. Awarded to a young woman who has been a top scholar in high school as well as a talented performer in extracurricular areas.
The Williams College Book – Recipient: Aiden Momtaz. Awarded to a junior who has demonstrated intellectual leadership and has made a significant contribution to the extracurricular life of the school.
The Yale Book – Recipient: Dean Woods. Awarded to a junior who demonstrates “lux et veritas,” enlightenment and truth, the motto of Yale College, combining outstanding personal character—the “lux” – with outstanding intellectual promise, the “veritas.”
Junior Awards
Dominic Ondryas Memorial Award – Recipient: Xitlalic Rojas. Awarded to the junior who has exercised leadership during his or her years at St. Margaret’s and who has shown a willingness to improve the community and the world by leading others through personal example and commitment. Presented by Upper School cinematic arts teacher Karen Bennett.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal-- Recipient: Katherine Cruse. Awarded to a junior who excels in advance math and science, adheres to rigorous academic standards, and exhibits a well-rounded interest and involvement in the community. Presented by Math Department Chair Elizabeth O’Shea.
Athletics Awards
Jon Balak Award – Recipients: Olivia Young and Evan Lee. Presented by Director of Athletics Chris Nordstrom.
Athletes of the Year: Recipients: Bryce Chan and Jackson Adelman. Presented by Chris Nordstrom
St. Margaret’s Inducts 22 Students Into Prestigious Cum Laude Society
St. Margaret’s also inducted nine seniors and 13 juniors into the Cum Laude Society, a prestigious honor that celebrates academic achievement. The 22 inductees joins 10 current seniors
inducted in 2020, and more than 300 St. Margaret’s students who have been inducted since 1986.
“Congratulations to our new inductees to the Cum Laude Society,” Cum Laude Society chapter president Alexandra Jennings told the students. “As you pursue your education, it is our hope that you accept the honor of membership in this society as a responsibility to make a contribution to the ongoing search for greater understanding of humanity and society. “
The Cum Laude Society was founded in 1906 and identifies academic achievement through its motto: Areté (excellence), Diké (justice), Timé (honor). Chapters are established in schools of superior academic quality, and St. Margaret’s is one of just 382 chapters of the Cum Laude Society around the world and the only one in Orange County.
Here is the list of 2021 inductees:
Grade 12 Inductees
Emma Ballantyne
Lauren Basombrio
Italivi Diaz
Antonio Fabian
Christine Kao
Alice Korolev
Wendy Liang
Sarah Pence
Alexis Woods
Grade 11 Inductees:
Preston Brinker
Katherine Cruse
Skyla Cui
Aaron Fei
James Jiang
Parisa Khashayar
Trey Kinglsey
Conrad Kistler
Chloe Lias
Aiden Momtaz
Jacob Sun
Charles Whiting
Dean Woods
Current seniors inducted in 2020 as juniors:
Jackson Adelman
Claire Ahn
Seychelle Balog
Kaelyn Dunnell
Espen Garner
Zachary Kratzer
Evan Lee
Saurabh Mallela
Benjamin Simpson
Samantha Swift